Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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Another look at the exhibit walls.

We completely forgot to take photos of the Opening Reception ... dang-it!

So we went back today and got some fairly nice photos of the paintings on the walls.
(Many if not all of these paintings have been on this blog at some point.)
Beginning at the left wall of the Silverbow Inn Backroom.

(from left, clockwise) Bright October,    Reading at the Lake, 
Late Winter - Amalga,    The Yellow Raincoat

The Standout,    Laundrymat

(center) Nan,    "Faces" series (circling)

Some of you prob recognize, or ARE one of these!

Good Day for Tea,    Lunch Spot
Innocent,    Dialogues With Myself

There are several more so I will post them tomorrow.

Thank you to all Juneau readers who go take a look at the show and thank you to all of you who bought paintings! I am honored.

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