Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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Ft Laramie, WY

Ft Laramie Nat'l Park, 8 x 10, oil study on panel
Here is a close up. It was really windy and the dust was aflyin':

If you click on it, you see all the dust in the paint! 
A little insect got stuck, but then blew away.

Here is the scene.

I did make it a bit more colorful than real life ... guess I had on my rose-tinted glasses again... or are they orange-tinted?
It was dramatic out there. 
I had a sense of urgency because the wind was whipping so.
Found a good painting spot - sort of out of the main wind coming from the N.


Figs - fini

Figs on a box, 8 x 8, oil on panel
Finally got a photo in the nice light. I love the orange and pink together. 
The figs, Ficus carica were delicious as well.
They look like this inside. Anyone else like figs?

I went to Fort Laramie today and painted. It was VERY windy but I found a place out of the wind, sort of. Will post that painting study tomorrow.


Figs! phase 1

I know this is a blurry photo, but wanted to take it even though it was nighttime,  to post.
I got figs with some character at the store (Whole Foods, Ft. Collins) on Sunday.
I wanted to paint them before they are all gooey and gone!


Feral felines

There are wild cats (not wildcats) running around everywhere through the backyard of this building. 
Most are gray. Gonna do some sketches of them just for practice.