Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
My website is:


Holiday Card for 2011
Heliconia sp (Hanging Lobster Claw)
Acrylic, 6" x 4.5"
Happy New Year!
As we all head into 2012, I wish everyone a healthy, creative and safe year.
In my next several posts, I will pick from my own work, my favorite paintings/drawings from 2011 as
A. Stanfield suggests in her Art Marketing Action newsletter.
I bet all of you have favorite events, movies, etc that delight you from 2011. Think of them and smile.


Surfer Dude  Acrylic on sandpaper  2.5" x 3.5"
Can you tell I miss the Big Island? :)





Little Organic Kona Pineapple, white flesh!
Acrylic on Wallis   6" x 4.5"


Newest oil painting

 Oil on Canvas  8" x 6"
Commission for a friend. 
She titled it Mother/Daughter Love.
11/24/11  I just saw this painting on my friend's wall. Wow, it is very nice on her slate blue wall.


Yellow Tulip

Acrylic on sandpaper, 5 x 3.25"

Just messing around with my acrylics again. This tulip was outside Matt's apartment. Not sure there is enough value differences, but it's ok.


It's a start!

Dandelion Puffs, acrylic, 12 x 9" (unfinished)
I am considering this an underpainting. Done in acrylic, I will finish with oils when we return home.


Rainforest Moss

6 x 9"
Trying to paint with acrylics here - on watercolor paper. Fun!


I love serendipity!

This is one of the last drawings from class. I added a bit more to finish before popping it into a frame, but of course forgot to take a photo. This is an angled photo because the glare was bad.

But! The coolest thing happened! I follow Diane Hoeptner's blog. Diane had recently held a contest for her blogiversary and the person whose name she originally chose did not write her back, so she picked another, and it was mine! I actually won her Earth Harvest painting!! Thank you so much Diane! Please check her blog and website. Her floral paintings are unique, gentle and beautiful.


UAS Senior Art Show 2011

There are four of us graduating from the UAS BA in Art program. We are putting up the exhibit today in the Mourant Building. It will be up until after graduation on May 1. Clockwise from top left: Cassia O'Neil, Josh Reeder, Bergen Carey, me.



This is my grandfather, Carl Johan Sakariassen (Sacarisen/Sacressen) (my Mom's Dad), and me - probably spring 1954. i rearranged the composition. Originally my aunt Bernis was holding me. This may be a study for a larger painting. i like the way their eyes are looking different directions, and i love how big my grandfather's hand is.

Go here for information on my grandfather's journal, written by two of his daughters, my aunts (V. R. Rausch and D. L. Baldwin).



Skull Drawing

Since I am studying the figure and we have such a nice skeleton in our studio, I am beginning with the skull. Pastel pencil on black Canson paper. 9 x 9".




Working on drawing hands, so will add a few of those during these next few posts. We have a great model.


After Muybridge

I am interested in the moving figure and this. Pencil image above is from Muybridge's The Human Figure in Motion, plate 103, top, Woman Running. I sketched every other plate out of 8.
This sketch took several days.


Watercolor Pencil

This photo is a little blue. I used a photo from a magazine as a reference and the watercolor pencils were really fun.


Finished Venus

Here is my finished Venus of Willendorf. I measured and it is 24 x 30", so quite a good size! Consider that the original sculpted figure is about 4.25" tall... Thanks to Jane (Terzis) I used a 2" brush and "got messy".

Oil on panel.


Venus of Willendorf

Sketch done a couple of years ago.

Initial paint applied several days ago. This is oil on panel, approx 24 x 30".

Worked on this over the weekend ... almost finished.



 Ok, here is the progression from the sketch (see Jan 15). 

This is the final painting, oil on canvas, approx. 9 x 15".



This is my friend with a giant orange (organic!) we had just bought on our walk around Juneau-town in the wind and COLD!



Letting this oil underpainting dry a bit. Will use pastels on the figure, where the sand is. Didn't get this posted yesterday because I am in classes until 9:30 pm!


Study for the similarly-themed painting. Pencil and pastel. Forgot to take a photo of the painting in progress...will do that tomorrow.



These are some preparation sketches on gessoed canvas (top) & panel (bottom). Getting ready to paint. Bottom is just a sketch done with sand.


My UAS Drawing class

Janice -  charcoal on 18 x 24" newsprint with white and sepia highlights

This was two 25 minute sessions. It was fun and time zipped by. Not exactly "right" but that's ok. Next time will do the longer drawings  on brown paper.


Pen sketch

This is small - 2 3/8 x 3 1/4. One for the day. I guess I need to get going on the "Tropical Challenge" that Karen issued for January!