Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
My website is:


Gravenstein Apples (and my first website)

 There are many who do not know about these apples.
The variety is Gravenstein, and that link will tell you
more about them.

I grew up with them - in pies, applesauce, and eating out of hand. When I found them in our local store, I had a fit and bought enough for a pie and then went back and
found more for applesauce
 (no sugar needed! no peeling either ... just blend all after cooking).

There have been a few paintings in the past of these apples. 
If you Google, you will find some.
I found this:

Gravenstein Apple Postcard. 

This Gravenstein Apple was painted in 1909 

by Amanda Almira Newton (1860-1943) in 

Albermarle County, Virginia, United States.

I don't think the owner of this site will be upset,
but I want to give acknowledgement to them.
I found it here:

Site from Pinterest  (very reasonable postcards, btw)

Of course I also had to paint them
after seeing their beauty sitting in the black wire basket. 

Here are my progress photos:

the real apples in the basket

sketch in charcoal over an old painting

This panel holder is a hack that my husband made me,
found on the interwebs. Shhhhhh ... it is really good for small paintings.

I have been taking photos outside because 
even when cloudy, the light is so much better than artificial.

Gravensteins in Wire Basket  
6 x 8 inches  oil on Arches Huile paper, with gesso underlayer

For those interested in this art journey, I do wish to tell you about my first-ever website!!

You can take a peek now.

I am working daily on it and it will always be
 a wip (work-in-progress) ...

Thank you, as always, for reading this blog.
