Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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Charting my oil paint colors

I've always thought I should have some sort of list or chart of my paint colors (oil paint). 
I have some old OLD tubes from when my brother and I were taking oil painting lessons
 (I was about 12 and he was 9 or so). Plus, I have collected many tubes of paint along the way.

So, when I received artist Todd M. Casey's The Oil Painter's Color Handbook as a gift, and read the section about doing a swatch chart ... I am now doing the charts of my paints.

It is honestly a bit easier and less complex than doing color charts like this:

from Richard Schmid's book Alla Prima II

But that is not to say I don't want and need to do those charts! I
 do! ... and someday I will, and these swatch charts will be helpful when I do.

There are instructions for how to make the swatch charts so I followed
them and they look somewhat like Todd's. My gray gesso may be a little darker
value, but that is fine.

My reason to make this a blog post is to explain it so I have a record 
of when and how I did it, and I hope it is slightly interesting for someone. 
My goal is to also post when I make my color charts, as well.

8 x 10 inch gessoed canvases taped to a panel

my blues, greens and violets 
(letting them dry before untaping the canvases)

There they are! All my oil tube colors. I have so many. 

These are the main colors I use:

Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow Light
Cadmium Yellow Deep
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Red Light
Alizarin Permanent
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Pthalo Blue
Burnt Umber

I use my extra colors that you see in my swatches every now and then; 
but I remember someone said 
that using an accent color 
is like using spice in your recipe ... you don't want too much.

If you have made swatch charts of your paints, I would love to hear about it, and
if you made color charts ala Richard Schmid, I would love to know how that went!

Thanks for reading!

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and if you clicked on the Studio Journal heading on my website,
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For those who haven't, here is the link
to look around, and thank you for looking!
