Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
My website is:


Challenge #4 - a fun one!

Dear Readers,

Our challenge #4 parameters:

1. Round canvas (integrated round shape)
2. Jackson Pollock drip painting abstract
* Any palette *
3. Stay an arm's length away from painting your still life or landscape

(remember you can click on any of these photos to enlarge) 

The picture above was taken either by my brother or my cousin 
who were both interested in photography
at the time (1971-72?).

I had already done a studio painting from it.

My first thought was to use a magnifying glass
 to warp the image.

sketch through magnifying glass,
my eyes went a little wonky after that

My round canvas was a Masonite panel that Matt cut for me.
You can see how big it is here - 22 5/8" diameter.

To set it up on my easel, Matt also made a "sub-cradle"

I had to make a sign!

Below are Patrick and Timi's paintings.

3M Tondo Under Glass
Ink, acrylic & oil on Masonite
22 5/8 inches diameter

Ok, so that was our Challenge #4, that we began around December 2021.
Thanks for checking it out and be sure to check back to my Studio Journal for more
in-depth notes about our other challenges, and miscellaneous offerings.

Happy Painting!



Repost of our 3 Body Problem Challenge #2

Hello Studio Journal readers,

 I posted this in November 2021, before we had even thought
about applying for an exhibit at the Juneau-Douglas City Museum.
It was our second challenge.


 Hi everyone. Have you done challenges with your painting practice? 

It forces you to think & react differently from your
"normal" way of painting.

Recently I did this one with these strict parameters:

Finger painting - no brushes, no knives
Yellow Ochre
Burnt Sienna 
Cadmium Red Medium
Payne's Gray
NO white (none showing from the canvas nor used)
Self Portrait

I chose to use a mirror to paint myself.

I covered the canvas with a layer of yellow ochre. Yes, just using my hands.

These were some of the color combo's using the palette.

This is the beginning ðŸ‘† ... i forgot to take any mid-way pics.

Red Lipstick (A trope of femininity)  oil on "canvas" paper   16 x 12

I would love to hear if you have tried

a challenge.

What were your parameters?

How did it go?

Stay safe and happy painting!

PS i am steadily adding more paintings to:


Come on over and sign up for my website

newsletter. In the menu click "Keep In Touch" (or that link)

and I will send out some news every month or two.




Repost - Challenge #5 (3 Body Problem exhibit)


Hi all - this is a re-posting of my talk about our Challenge #5 painting,
 originally published at the end of the year 2022 - enjoy!

Below is a photo of what I chose as an interior -
our 1st parameter. I did not use the photo as reference. 
My easel is set up in the room.

Painting by Egon Schiele - he may have used a pointed
something (pencil? end of his brush?) to incise the ripples in the water,
and the lines on the boat. 
Our 3rd parameter. 
My incised lines are on the pillow shams and the lampshade.

My sketch - done at my easel 
in the bedroom

First sketch - realized perspective was wrong ...

Following our parameter #2, I found some collage pictures
that I thought had to do with what I wanted to
convey ... dreamlike, with apparitions sitting around, 
 bed linens, wall color, lamp and night sky.

The addition of the cat snagging the comforter
was just out of the blue ...

My cohort's paintings:

Timi Johnson

Timi simplified the corner of her home
 where a coatrack stood. She used papers from her Italy trip,
and gorgeous colors.

Patrick Ripp

Patrick used a vintage style photo for the woman with the grapes,
his own photos of his (late) kitties, 
AND photos of Timi and my original paintings! I love the chaise's impasto,
and his wall brush marks and color.

I thought their paintings were terrific!
Here is mine.

Little Dipper Dreaming 
Collage and oil on Multimedia Artboard
mounted on a 1/4" birch panel, with a 3/4" cradle
11 x 14 inches

This challenge was both difficult and fun.

It was hard to figure out my composition, 
then how to incorporate the collage items ...
but I loved finding the cat to add to the bottom left corner, 
did you find it immediately or after looking for awhile?

Lastly, we painted a still life 
before having our challenge reveal.
Holiday style!

Our next challenge (#6) is in the thought stage. We have our parameters and
are finding our painting to exchange (yes ... yikes) and clarifying
exactly what all the parameters consist of.

Thank you so much for reading, commenting and supporting working artists!

Wishing you all the very best of the new year,
staying safe and healthy and doing things you love.