Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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Painting - Day 4

(The lighting for these two photos seemed to have changed, making the colors different 
and I am not sure why, but you can see the barn and some of the other buildings are getting some paint.)

Still more to do in the foreground, but it is coming along nicely, I think.

Painting this REALLY brings me back to the farm, 
which my Mom and Dad call the 3M Ranch! (They still live there.)

When I was very little, the long low building in front of the big barn was the milking barn, 
with stanchions where my Dad milked some 18-20 head of Jersey cows. 
And when I was still only about 2 or 3, 
my Dad and my Grandad built the milkhouse, where 4 cows could be milked at a time (the building to the left of that old milkhouse). 

Wonder if anyone can guess what 3M stands for? I couldn't remember
correctly and my folks had to remind me.

Thank you for following along. I will be finished soon with this painting (I hope).

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