Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
My website is:


 Above by recently deceased New Yorker cartoonist Al Ross

This is very true! Sigh ... and today, I am not goofing off, am
moving boxes getting ready for some remodeling ... and my
studio/laundry room is packed with stuff that I have to joggle
around before there is room to paint again.


LPChallenge warm-up

Airport Windows (tentative title)
Think I am still working on this a bit.


I found a group formed called Limited Palette Challenge on fb.

We can only use:
1. White
2. Black
3. Cadmium Yellow Medium
4. Ultramarine Blue
5. Alizaron Crimson

I have joined and will try some paintings!


While waiting on an order of 8 x 8 canvases, which should be in my hands soon - thought I'd do a sketch of one of my photos and possibly do a painting. This particular photo was actually a reflection caught while waiting at the Austin, TX airport. I turned the photo upsidedown to sketch. 
It brings to mind Mondrian.


Zoom-In #4 Finished

Oil on canvas, 8" x 8"

Original painting by _________________
                                                       Title _________________________


Zoom In #2

8" x 8" oil on canvas 

This is my zoom-in. Who painted the original? 

Please go to my
and feel free to comment!

Here is the link to a photo of the original painting. This was fun! 
This is a link to a photo of the first zoom-in painting (from the 4/16/12 post).


Here is the beginning of my second "zoom-in" painting.
It is a cropped portion of the painting
" _____________'s  _____  ___________"

Can you guess?


Zoom In #1

My idea to "just keep painting" (that I hear in my head every day) is to zoom in 
on a famous painting and paint that little section of it. 
Many people will most likely realize who the famous painter was/is, 
but it will be a fun and interesting challenge for all involved!