Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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Gold Creek w/Plein Rein Painters

Today the Plein Rein Painters went to Juneau's own Cope Park
to paint the turquoise rushing waters of Gold Creek.

My painting didn't turn out anything like I thought it would.
I was too stingy with my paint, and/but I didn't want to "cover up" the creek with vegetation.
I need to remember to "paint like a millionaire"!
(David Mollett quote from a Juneau workshop a few years ago.)

It is really hard to simplify the scene. 

10 x 8

Here is Jay painting me, painting. 
He has such a great energy in his acrylic paintings.

Yes, I am working on my K River project, too! 

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