A friend once mentioned that he loves his drive home to Douglas Island from work (when it is clear) because he can see the island's tallest peak -
Mt Jumbo - as the sun drops behind it, or in the summer, skims over it. My husband and I also live "on the island" and understand this.
I immediately began scheming about a painting. During my many walks, drives and runs over the bridge I thought about the painting. I also took many photos.
Finally, it was time ...
Do go to the link and read about it - it is really great, its best two attributes for me are:
light as a feather
accepts all kinds of media
The funny thing about this painting was that I didn't sketch it beforehand, as I usually do with most of my paintings ... I just jumped right in and began painting.
So here in the next couple of day's posts are the progression paintings for Mt Jumbo.
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