Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
My website is:


Primrose Time - acrylic painting!

JOA manager's house (my painting from another summer)

(JOA = Jensen-Olson Arboretum)

This year (2022) the City of Juneau is celebrating 
their Arboretum's 15th anniversary. 

The Jensen-Olson Arboretum 👈 that link is the city's page, 
but they have their own facebook page 
and they keep it up to date HERE.

My local painting group heads out to paint there quite often,
and I love it there. I will go again soon, however,
 this painting was done using one of my
photographs from another year.

I painted with acrylics for this one ... not something I do very often,
so you can see how it went below!

my photo for my scene


This photo shows Primula denticulata (Drumstick Primrose).

In the Victorian language of flowers, 
primroses' association with youth and young love means
 “I can't live without you.” 
Across cultures, primroses signify spring, protection, safety, and love.

Primrose Time (at the Arboretum)    acrylic on canvas panel   11 x 14 inches (unframed) 

We repurposed an older frame and I love it!

I hope you can get to visit the JOA this summer! 
(those who live here, and those who will be coming to Juneau!)

Happy Spring! Happy Painting!



Painting with acrylic, oil, collage ...

... and a limited palette!

I used this photo, which I took at the Shrine of St. Therese in 2020, as the basis for a painting submitted as part of a painting challenge presented by Juneau's Plein Rein Painters. 

The parameters (thought up by a few of the painters) were as follows:

Here are the steps my painting took.

I used a grid to guide my composition.

At one point, I turned the photo upside down 
to remember to "just paint shapes".

My paint ...
and uh, the reason there is a blue tube of paint
is that I use that and the Burnt Umber
to make my own black.

Which I did.
And greens were made using my own black + yellow + the other legal colors.
It made lots of nice greens!

This is where i added the (pink) collage paper.

You can see the number 30 on the paper ... 
proof it is paper!

and more pink paper
"glued down" with acrylic gel medium

Shrine Sunset
12 x 18 inches
acrylic underpaint, oil, collage on panel

I will be varnishing and getting this painting 
uploaded to my website soon, so have a look 
if you have not already done so,
please sign up for my every-now-and-then
newsletter! Click on "Keep in touch" in menu.

I really appreciate your interest, and comments.

Take good care, stay safe ... and sane!
