Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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New Project ... Portrait practice

My husband found a yearbook in his parents things that we have had in storage. 
It is the 1942 "Southeast Army Air Force Training Center" yearbook (for lack of a better word), 
where his Dad did training and was pictured.

We didn't know what to do with it but did not want to throw it away. I had the flash of an idea to use the photos of the cadets (and officers) as practice for portrait painting.

I admired the painter, Karin Jurick (02/09/1961 - 06/16/2021). One of her projects
was painting mugshots from her city police department, which are public record. She also did mugshots for a certain ex-president.
Her website is a beautiful thing and I encourage you to go visit.
(my link did not work, so you just have to google her)

Here is an example of one of her tiny 4x4 mugshot paintings.

eww ...

BUST-ED is Karin's blog about these paintings.

My first painting is of 
this guy -
Colonel William W. Welsh.

I actually like how this one turned out.
But for some of the upcoming portraits I painted after this  ...  I don't.

However, I am going to post them to see if I will 
see any progress.

Most of the pictures in the yearbook are about 1-inch square, some a little bigger. 
My goal is to get a subtle likeness, at least an interesting picture, 
on a small canvas (these are 6 x 8's),
with one to three brushes, not too many brushstrokes, 
and not take too long (a few hours).

I am thinking of also painting Matt's Dad, 
when I feel like I can do the painting justice.

Ok, stay tuned for the next post that will show
 a couple more paintings in the order I painted them. That is
the way I will post them, just a few at a time.

Thank you for reading and stay healthy and safe.


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