Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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Portrait Practice 9, 10, 11

It is fun to paint mustaches, so I picked Lieutenant Murray
for my 9th portrait.
And ... I tried an underpainting of mostly Alizarin Crimson. Pretty wild.

Lieutenant Lewis G Murray

Lieutenant George W Ramey

The background for Lieutenant Ramey is composed mostly of Indian Yellow, 
a transparent, very strong synthetic pigment.

I love it with the pink shirt.

Lieutenant Mandal A Burcaw

Isn't that such an unusual name? 
The background here has a bit of Indian Yellow, but there is maybe something else mixed in. I really wanted to get the "chin up" pose for Lieutenant Burcaw, but it isn't lifted as much as I wanted. I also did not paint his neck
as long as it looked in his photo.

Thank you for reading! 

This project is interesting enough to be ongoing; 
I have painted 17 portraits from the yearbook, and there
are many more that I could do.

Stay tuned! I painted a nurse's portrait the other day!

It is interesting to do the portraits and not fuss too much
over them. I see so many things that are not quite
right, but "No Fiddling" will be my motto for
the project.

ps If you are new here,
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to whomever you think may be interested.




Teri said...

Thank you so much! ... thank you for writing a comment!

Anonymous said...

Great work Teri!

Teri said...

Thank you anonymous!