Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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Portrait Practice 12 & 13

For portraits 12 & 13, I'm trying 
a bit more of a radical palette.


Mixing a nice rich red using Alizarin Crimson and Cadmium Red Light,
I "washed" the back ground/underpainting and began
to put my very darks on the "canvas" 
(not actual canvas, it is Arches oil paper, in this case).

Lieutenant Seymour Frank

The underpainting for this one soaked so deeply into the paper,
when I just wanted to stain it, that I almost tossed it! 
It was a sample Winsor & Newton paint,
Pthalo Turquoise.
But I just left it and began putting lights on. 
It turned into a strange little portrait, specially with the way his expression turned out!

Lieutenant John J Hildebrandt

Ok, these were very interesting, and always a challenge.

Thank you for checking out this post! Let me know if you have any questions.

At the same time I have a painting going with a rather notable portrait ... 
I'm pretty sure you would recognize the person. I might will probably intersperse
this project with that one. It keeps me going.

Yours in art,


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