Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
My website is:


Happy New Year!

Fireweed & Shadows (Morning on Eagle Beach) 
12 x 16 inches
Oil on canvas
I was so happy to see the first Plein Rein Calendar page
 - January 2019 - 
is my own painting!

Of course I had forgotten,
so when I opened the calendar for today
1 January 2019
This painting popped up and surprised me.

Juneau people who have not gotten the calendar yet,
there are still a few available at the Juneau-Douglas City Museum!
(I think maybe at the JAHC, as well??)

... anyway, thank you so much for 
following this blog. I wish everyone a prolific painting year!

Be sure to show your work!

Happppppy Painnnnnting!


2 comments: said...

What a simply fabulous view. Love the colors as well. Congrats on the calendar. I bet it was lovely seeing your painting with fresh eyes.
Hope the New Year will be a creative and healthy one.

Teri said...

Hi Julie - Thank you so much. It means a lot to me for you to say that. Abundant blessings and good health in the new year to you as well!