Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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17/30 Paintings in January

take your glasses off (if you are far-sighted)

That is what happened here in this painting. 
Actually, for many of these paintings I have taken my glasses off 
&/or squinted to see shapes and values.

Today's quote from Henri is about something I have not *EVER* tried.
Have you?

"The tendency to put in more and more white 
is so usual that it would be well to restrict the white. 
Keep it off the palette. 
Allow only so much of it in the pigments 
which must have it, 
and allow them much less 
than you think they should have.
A set palette ... "

- Robert Henri

(to be continued ...)
... well that's maddening ... 
yes? no? yes!

10:45 am Juneau     6 x 8 inches     oil on Arches Huile paper

One wonders, and wonders ... how can you paint snow and not use white?
I will give it a try, but perhaps later ...

Excuse me now, I must go try to paint the wind ...


Chris Lally said...

Your white is fresh and clean - even your grays are beautiful (love those reflections). White is scary for me. I have made some awful pasty color.

Adriana Guidi said...

Love your brush strokes and the atmosphere here!

Teri said...

Thank you Adriana!