Dear painters, art aficionados, and art explorers everywhere. I would never have guessed this journal would keep my interest for so long! Join me as I learn about the processes of painting, drawing and at times, the history of art.
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30in30 - Day 11

New Look! Herring

11th of 30 paintings-to-be in "Stuff In My Fridge"

It's funny how some ideas come and go in your brain. 
I was thinking I may use this in my painting, it sorta looked like a net ... but nixed it.

This is the charcoal/alcohol wash, and I forgot to take some in-progress shots, dang it.
If you are wondering - 
the blue on the edges is painter's tape 
to stick the Arches paper to a panel to set on my easel.

New Look! Herring     8 x 6 inches   Oil on Arches Oil Paper

Is there anyone out there who doesn't like pickled herring? 
... probably not got an ounce of Scandinavian blood then ...

This painting was great fun. I painted most of it with the knife.
Notice in the b&w how the gray and orange are the same value? Cool! (I really like the b&w of this painting!)

take a good look at her paintings; she's a bloomin' palette-knife-only painter!

Thanks for viewing my art!